Advice to Freshman
“Actually go to the campus recreation events or game nights. They are a fun way to make friends and get cool stuff!”
“Don’t worry about one bad grade on quizzes or assignments, just use them as motivation to study more!”
“Use the campus buildings whenever you can!”
“Pick a passion or something that makes you happy and don’t hold back. Don’t worry about location because after you graduate, you’ll have so many other options ahead of you. If you don’t know what you want to do, decide a couple of things you are interested in. For your first semester take a few generals and take the careers courses that are within those majors.”
“Actually, study for exams even if you never did in high school.”
“Actually go to the campus recreation events or game nights. They are a fun way to make friends and get cool stuff!”
“That it is going to be alright if in time you make a mistake. Learn from it and let it go. And trust Christ. God can use our mistakes for good.”
“Do the blocks not the 19-meal plan. Don’t waste your money on the meal plan.”
“Use the Library to study instead of your dorm. It’s way more productive.”
“The campus volunteer opportunities are fun, go to them!”