Street Level Ministries
College is hard. Following Jesus is hard. Following Jesus in college is… really hard.
The jump from high school to college is a big one. For most of you, heading off to college will be the first significant time in your life that you are away from home and family. Keeping a schedule, eating healthy, attending to personal hygiene, budgeting, maintaining your class workload, working part-time, going to church, etc., will all take on a new meaning when decisions about them are yours and yours alone to make.

Of course, leaving home like this is an important rite of passage into adulthood. But that does not mean it will come easily for you! Becoming detached from the familiar protections and oversights of adolescence (whether wanted or not) is a test that many will struggle with. Everyone entering into this experience will simultaneously feel the excitement of being free to do (mostly) whatever you want to do, and the heaviness of having to make decisions that previously were made for you.
On top of that, the classic college lifestyle is very much at odds with the commands of Jesus. So, IF YOU PLAN TO BRING YOUR CHRISTIANITY WITH YOU TO COLLEGE you will be double-challenged!

You might currently feel anxious about moving into the dorms, meeting your new roommate, or locating your lecture hall for Intro to Communications class. But these things will be minuscule in comparison to the pressures of wanting to fit in with the other 2,000 incoming freshmen who don’t believe the same things about God, life, meaning, and purpose as you do. This is understandable as the world can be a very lonely place. Strong and meaningful relationships take loyal friends who are committed to sticking around through the ups and downs of life. But sadly, often that is not how life goes. Many so-called “friends” will just move on when the friendship is inconvenient or burdensome. All of this is why finding the right community is so Important.
Street Level Ministries is a Christian campus organization that exists to help students know Jesus and follow Him in every area of life while at college and beyond. Street Level is made up of a group of college-aged individuals on campuses throughout the University of Wisconsin system, as well as on Cebu Island in the Philippines.
The Truth is that a purposeful life cannot be found in the pursuit of a college degree only. You must know Jesus, follow Him, and serve Him –even while you’re at college.
We meet regularly to talk about what it means to follow God in college. We also strive to serve Him in real ways that make a difference on our campuses, in the community, and in the world. The truth is that a purposeful life cannot be found in the pursuit of a college degree only. You must know Jesus, follow Him, and serve Him –even while you’re at college. Street Level specializes in just that.

Street Level aims to be a group of people that genuinely loves and supports each other. Our community goes beyond a stale religious gathering that happens only once a week. We also hang out together. We live together as roommates. We work together and volunteer together in various ministry outreaches. We help each other. We push beyond superficial relationships –both with our peers and with God. If you are college-aged and want to make a difference in the world around you for the Kingdom of God, I’d encourage you to check us out. Maybe that isn’t you, but you have some questions about God, the Bible, life, and how they all fit together. Come find us! We would be glad to answer them. Find out more about Street Level and how you can connect with us at streetlevelministries.com.
You don’t have to do college alone. Follow Jesus, together.