In Loving Memory of My Old Me
What is an epitaph?
An epitaph came from the Greek word “epitaphios” which means “funeral oration”. “Epi” means “at over” and “taphos” means “tomb”. An epitaph is one of the ways to honor a deceased person by engraving short text or messages on a tombstone or plaque. There are many ways to write an epitaph. One of the most common ways is to use quotes from the Holy Bible. It can be also written in prose or in poem verse. Others composed their own epitaph prior to their death as an expression of love, thankfulness of life they had, or as a message to their loved ones, while others expressed their grief and describe how they felt about death and aging that changed everything in their lives.
Struck by His Love
There are thousands of ways to express our gratitude for all the things God has done for us and writing a literary piece like an epitaph, is one of the unique ways of showing how grateful we are to Him. In times of hopelessness, He never fails to reach our souls to encourage us to take another step with Him. Sometimes we find ourselves in darkness when we think everyone is lifeless and our hearts are starting to get numb. But God is always present in these times of spiritual crisis, and He will touch our hearts to again feel the love He offers to everyone.
Do not mourn for the death of my flesh Nor destroy your peace Neither be sorrowful, For this corpse of mine had been deceased for a long time; Do not cry upon my grave, Let that body be eaten with worms And my bones be destroyed by dirt, For it was tattooed with sin in this world; Rejoice, my love, rejoice! For I was no longer imprisoned by the death of sin The old me has died yet the new one arose from the grave; So rejoice my love, for I am no longer bound with sin, For He recreated me with perfection With an abundance of His affection And now, praise Him with hands raised and voices roaring as if they were like thunder; Singing and dancing gracefully for He set me free So do not mourn for the death of my flesh, For He gave me life of eternity, We must rejoice my love, rejoice! And embrace the kiss of His eternal love