Why Read the Bible?
I love broccoli. My 8-year-old self, who found the little trees disgusting, would be surprised to see it frequently on my current meal plans. Whether in a stir fry or served raw, broccoli has become a favorite of mine. The problem is, those green dot things do get stuck in my teeth. Unless there’s a friend discreetly scratching their tooth while making eye contact with me, only the next glance in a mirror will reveal the current situation: something is wrong and needs fixing.
The Bible, in the same way, acts as a mirror. It is one overarching story of the depravity of humanity and God’s plan to make right what went so very wrong after sin entered the scene. It explains the reason for evil in the world, how God created us, and why Jesus needed to come to save all humanity. It tells us what is wrong and needs fixing, both in the world and in our lives individually. When the law was given to Israel for the first time (see Exodus 19-24), it gave God’s people commands for how to live, and it wasn’t long before they rebelled. They turned away from God to follow other gods and pursue whatever they felt was best. Rebellion has been the pattern of humanity ever since, and unless we look into the perfect mirror and ask God to transform our hearts and minds, repeating the cycle is our default, too.
If you desire to know God more and be like Jesus, reading Scripture is where to start. We read the Bible to learn who God is and what He’s like by seeing how He interacted with those throughout history. Scripture tells us what’s important to God, and as a result, where we’re off base. Without the Word of God as our authority and standard, we wouldn’t know when we’re not living as God designed us to live. Likewise, reading about the life and ministry of Jesus while He was on earth is the only way we can start to be like Him. As you read, pray you’d be ready to change some things. Pray that when your life and Scripture don’t line up, you’d be willing to submit to its authority. In Psalm 51:10, David prays, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (ESV). May this always be our heart towards God and His Word.
“Without the Word of God as our authority and standard, we wouldn’t know when we’re not living as God designed us to live.”
Modern Christians have cheated themselves by substituting daily Bible reading for short devotionals. Commit to reading a portion of the Bible each day, and you will see its unified story come through. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that Scripture is “God-breathed,” meaning it is God’s words to us. Devotionals can be a helpful tool, but God Himself has inspired only the Bible. Yes, you will get to portions of the Bible that don’t make sense right away. Yes, you will want to sleep in some days instead of reading about ancient kings. But in the long run? You’ll see how God uses His Word to change the way you think, experience His comfort at just the right time, and grow in your knowledge of the Bible. Psalm 1:1-3 says, “Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked…but they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do” (NLT). Discipline yourself and press on in your studies.
The Bible refers to the absurdity of not picking the hypothetical broccoli out of your teeth once you know it’s there. James 1:23-25 says, “For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it” (NLT). The writings found in Scripture aren’t just good ideas or optional suggestions. They actually list what God sees as necessary. Not only that, but God has a job for His people to do. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (ESV). When we read accounts in the Bible of people living radically for God (or worse, those who didn’t), taking action ourselves should be the natural result.
Bible reading resources:
As you start reading the Bible consistently or open it tomorrow for the 7,302nd time, I hope you let it change you. I hope it makes you pick the broccoli out of your teeth. I hope you see progress in knowing who God is, and I pray that seeing the real Him will make you want to be a part of His story. Below are a few more resources to help your study:
Bible Reading Plan
There are many opinions out there on how to read the Bible, but the most important thing is consistency. Read through every book of the Bible, rather than only snacking on easier verses, and don’t waste time wondering if you’re reading enough. Just read it daily. It’s God’s time with you, and it’s vital to your walk with Him.
Writing helps with memorization and comprehension. Try writing down a verse that stood out to you or a lesson you’ve been learning lately. Plus, you’ll have fun (or cringe) reading your notes later on in life.
Study Bible
A study Bible has notes at the bottom of each page, offering additional thoughts to consider. Many also have maps, charts, cross-references, and more. They’re not divinely inspired as Scripture is, so don’t feel pressured to read each one. Focus on the verses themselves, but the study notes available in them help you gain more historical context (like in the ESV Study Bible). Consider The Life Application Study Bible for notes that feature practical application to your daily life.
Bible Commentary
A Bible commentary is a written resource designed to explain and provide insight into Scripture. Blue Letter Bible (blueletterbible.org) has tons of great free ones that can be extremely helpful if you’re intimidated by reading specific passages. Think of them as cliff notes for the Bible.
BibleProject is an organization that creates videos with short explanations of biblical themes, word studies, and illustrated overviews of each book of the Bible. Each video shows biblical events and how it contributes to the larger narrative of the Bible as one story that points to Jesus. Find them on YouTube or bibleproject.com
YouVersion Bible App
Available on iOS and Android, this app allows you to download different translations of the Bible to read on the go. You’re able to highlight, make notes, share verses with friends, and complete devotional plans on various topics such as prayer, forgiveness, dating, addiction, etc.