TV Worth Your Time
Sometimes, TV is terrible, but watching a show or a movie is something most of us like to do. So, why not spend your time watching something worthwhile? We gathered together a short list of Christian movies and TV shows that are not merely entertaining. Be prepared to learn from and be impacted by them! We promise they’re not cheesy, either.

The Chosen—TV Series
Have you ever imagined what interacting with Jesus in person might have been like or pictured the personalities of the disciples? The Chosen brings this to life. The series is based on biblical people and stories but brings them alive by imagining more about their daily lives and backstories. It is a lot of fun to watch and see how the writers portray each one. The characters become relatable. For example, Matthew battles with social skills and displays great attention to detail. Peter battles with pride and is ready to fight for everything. Although the episodes are not a step-by-step account of the Bible, each one leaves you with a greater understanding of the humanity of Jesus along with other people in the Bible.
There are currently two seasons of The Chosen, and it’s free to watch. You can find it on YouTube or download The Chosen app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Sheep Among Wolves—Documentary
Christianity is typically not thought of when thinking about the country of Iran, but it is alive and well there. Sheep Among Wolves is a documentary about a discipleship movement happening in Iran among the Muslims. It showcases the amazing work God has been doing and the difficulties people face following Jesus in a country against Christianity. These Christians have given up and taken more risks to follow Jesus than most of us have ever considered.
It is a two-part documentary. The first volume is introductory, whereas the second volume highlights the church leaders in Iran: women.
It is free to watch on YouTube. Find it along with some other documentaries they put out on their channel.

Free Burma Rangers—Documentary
The documentary Free Burma Rangers is a good reminder that God is still here, doing great works around us. It tells the true story of a family that left the comforts of America to go to Burma and live alongside those facing genocide. As they met people and grew relationships, the mission grew from Burma to Iraq and then to Syria. This act of risky faith is unmistakable as they recount all the ways God worked through them and around them. The footage throughout the film is actual footage from the mission. At one point, the Rangers go into a building controlled by ISIS to save wounded people. While in the building, they run into an area layered in empty cans but, through prayer, manage not to be heard by ISIS.
You can rent this movie on Amazon for $7.99. They also have a YouTube channel where you can see clips of their work.