As a Matter of Fact
At times Christianity can be confusing. When you start to read the Bible, there can be names of people and places you have never heard before, words that have little to no meaning outside of the world of faith, and recognizable things that have a more profound purpose than you’d ever imagine. Let’s jump into understanding where the Bible came from and its purpose.
The Greek word “ta Biblia” means “the books” and is where the term Bible originates. The Bible contains various forms of literature: narrative, poems, songs, history, laws, wisdom, prophecy, and letters. The first part, The Old Testament (OT), was written before Jesus’ time on Earth and was the original Hebrew Bible. It outlines the character, holiness, and laws of God. It also tells the history of His chosen people, the nation of Israel. The New Testament (NT) was added to the Bible later after Jesus ascended to heaven. It recounts Jesus’ life in the four Gospels, the start of the early church in the book of Acts, the direction for living as Jesus’ followers in the Epistles, and the consummation of all things in Revelation.
Together, both testaments tell the story of creation, the fall of humanity, the redemption for sinners, and the restoration of the world as God intended.
The Bible not only gives us the story behind God’s plan for humanity, it also reveals the power of God, which lies in its divinity. Some critics question its legitimacy because men wrote it. But the prophets in the OT and Jesus’ disciples in the NT who wrote the Bible were divinely inspired. They received authority to proclaim the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. The evidence of this power is clear today because anyone that reads the Bible with a heart eager to know its Author is changed.
“The Bible not only gives us the story behind God’s plan for humanity, it also reveals the power of God, which lies in its divinity.”
There are stories in the Bible that don’t always make sense, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to discover the truth it contains. God’s Holy Spirit will help you understand if you ask. As you read, you will learn how various parts of the Bible weave together, which will help you make sense of it as a whole. Then you will discover that the Bible is a love letter containing God’s message to humanity, not a dusty list of archaic rules.
Christians believe that the written words of God are holy, living, and active (Hebrews 4:12), so reading and obeying the Bible is an essential part of practicing the Christian faith. It instructs us to persevere in goodness and charity, share the Gospel, and proclaim the love of God to humankind.
The Bible was written by approximately 40 men, in many different places, over 15 centuries, and its last chapter was written thousands of years ago. And yet, the truths that it reveals are as relevant today as they were then. That is because we have something in common with these men and women: we all experience sin and death. It’s not very hard to see that. We feel it every day and observe it in the world around us. That’s what makes the existence of the Bible all the more amazing. How is it that it came to be except through the sheer power of God? If it was solely up to humans, there’s no way we would have collectively come up with this impossibly cohesive book. That fact alone makes it supremely trustworthy. It was not written and compiled for us to win debates or memorize verses to boost our self-esteem. It was given to us so we could receive, experience, and fall in love with the One whom the whole Bible revolves around: Jesus Christ.