The Day I Confronted a King
I concentrated on the cobblestone steps that stretched out before me. I felt as though I had forgotten how to walk. So many thoughts swirled through my mind as I placed one foot in front of the other, slowly making my way up to the throne room. With each step, I rehearsed all that I planned to say. Years worth of pain, frustration, disappointment, and most of all, guilt gnawed at my gut that was twisting in fear about what lay ahead. Now that I was at the top of the stairs, I could see the door to the throne room. It wasn’t too late. I could walk back down the stairs and act as if everything was fine, just like I had been doing all my life. I could avoid this painful confrontation altogether. But the hope of the new life I had recently discovered allowed me to press on. I cracked open the door. There was no going back now.
There he was, that disgusting, vile, sorry excuse for a king. He was perched upon his throne like a vulture waiting for its next victim. The image was shocking, and it was difficult for me to admit that at one time I found him attractive and looked to him for comfort. “Hello, my dear,” he crooned from his perch, “It’s been too long since we’ve spoken. I was beginning to worry. How are you?”
His words were so smooth like they always had been. It would be so easy to slip into my old habit of trusting him, but I knew differently this time.
“Don’t act as if you care about me. You’ve promised me so many things, and I trusted you! But you are a liar!” I shouted suddenly, surprising myself.
“Don’t fool yourself,” he replied without expression. “You know that I always do everything I can to make you happy. We’ve had some very good times, you and I. Remember?”
“I remember how you ruined my life,” I answered, speaking in a low tone. “You’ve taken everything from me. It took me a while to realize it, but now I understand very clearly. You don’t even have the ability to keep the promises you make. You are not the powerful king you pretend to be. You’re a fraud! I will not serve you anymore. I have found a different king.”
His lips curled into a sneer, laughing, “You think a different king will make your life better? Don’t you know we are all the same? Go! Serve this other king of yours! But when he takes everything from you and gives you nothing in return, you remember how good you had it with me, my dear.”
“No.” I stared directly into his piercing eyes as my words came rushing out of my mouth. “This King is different. He is unlike any other king there ever was or ever will be. He is faithful and true. The promises He makes will happen because He has the power to make it so. He is loving and just. And yes, He will get everything from me because I will willingly lay everything down before Him. He is worthy of that. He gave up his life for me.”
“Oh, you fool. Do you honestly believe that a king would have given up anything for you? You’re worthless! No king in this world would do that for anyone,” he retorted.
“I know. My King is not of this world,” I said gleefully, and with those words, I turned and bolted out of the dark throne room, through the door, and into a marvelously bright day. For the first time in my life, I felt free. I was free!
I turned and bolted out of the dark throne room, through the door, and into a marvelously bright day. For the first time in my life, I felt free. I was free!
I’d like to tell you that this story above actually took place, that I confronted all the false kings that I had placed in charge of my life head-on and never looked back, but that isn’t quite how it works. It would be nice if false kings presented themselves in such a visibly vile manner, but most often, they don’t. These so-called kings sneak into power in our lives in all forms. Perhaps it is through a career, the pursuit of higher education, a specific relationship, or status. What is it for you?
Take a look at your life to find out. How do you make your decisions? How do you spend your time, money, and talents? What, or who, do you turn to for comfort, joy, and security?
If the answer is anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ, you are worshipping and serving a false king that does not care about you and will not do anything but destroy you. Sound harsh? It’s true. Don’t believe me? Okay, so how has your false king been treating you lately?
Jesus is the only worthy King. All other kings will ask you to lay your life down in service to them, but Jesus is the only one for which you can willingly and joyfully do so. Before you ever did anything for Him, He already died for you. What King does that? Only a loving one does. If you’d like to read more about Jesus as the perfect King, dust off your Bible. Every part of it points to Him and who He is. Get to know Him.
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war…He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God…He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” - Revelation 19:11-16, NKJV