A Call To Continue
Greetings! This letter is from a disciple of Jesus Christ, called by the will of God. I am writing to all faithful brethren in Christ, including elders and ministers. Grace to you and peace from God our Father.1
First and above all, I praise our Lord Jesus Christ for His utmost, sacrificial love won on the cross that stretches out to each one of us so that you, my dearest brethren, who were once lost in slavery to sin, are finally found in our Lord’s victory over it. Heaven was filled with joy after you were saved by the grace of our Lord.2 And in the same manner that confirms me in mentioning you always in my prayer, unceasingly asking the Lord that you would open your hearts to Him, I now welcome you on the journey that our Lord has prepared beforehand. But how you must have toiled over what it means to truly believe. My deepest compassion belongs to you whom our Lord greatly loves, as I confess, I was also once in your place. You should know that the very reason for my immediate response after receiving the good news of your birth to a new life with our Lord, is to prepare yourselves to enter into full communion with Him.
I know and understand that it may look strikingly frightening at first glance, but be firm in conceiving that the things not of this world are obtained by faith.3 And also, be affirmed that the faith you have received is a gift from God by which without works is dead.4 May you continually grow in the truth that our Lord has delivered to our forefathers.
Nourish yourselves in prayers and meditation of His Word daily so you acquire all its wondrous promises having been revealed through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now that you have received faith, be cultivated by the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit within you. Hold fast to what is true, and do not be quickly taken into the trap of our enemy, the devil. You must have learned from your minister that even the most infamous evil believes in our Lord. It should not be ignored that the devil uses one of his most powerful tactics, empty tradition, to expediently deceive even the most faithful-looking humans. You must also never forget that those who disbelieve the existence of the devil are more likely his ally than those who fell under his wings initially. While you might be in a situation where it is seemingly strange to regard unbelief of the devil, be on guard by trusting our Lord that He will provide you a way of overcoming its temptations.5Learn to truly believe the gospel that reveals the truth that our Lord has made known to His first witnesses. The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His steadfast love.6
I believe that the very purpose of this letter I am writing to you is not a result of my works but by the unique prompting of the Holy Spirit. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ convicts me to do what is pleasing to Him. Likewise, to you who are now called to the life in Christ, abide always in Him and He in you. Listen to your church overseers and take hold of the teachings of God’s Word that has been delivered to you. You must be compelled to understand that we have been given many privileges to access His words, so never take them for granted. Nourish yourselves in prayers and meditation of His Word daily so you acquire all its wondrous promises having been revealed through our Lord Jesus Christ. But also remember our Lord died for our iniquities so that we may receive His forgiveness and repair the brokenness which sets us apart from Him. And now we have received this good news, that our Lord has told us that if anyone would come after Him, let us deny ourselves and die to our selfish desires daily so that we may follow Him.7To you my dearest brethren, let us walk according to the ways of our Lord, delivering the truth to all, making disciples in all nations, and denying oneself daily. May our God transform you through His power and bring His good work in you to completion.8And in His grace and mercy, you shall live by faith so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him forever and ever.
Dear brethren, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow in maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.9
1 Philippians 1:1-2 NLT, 2 Ephesians 2:8 ESV, 3 Hebrews 11:1 ESV, 4 James 2:17 ESV, 5 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV, 6 Psalm 147:11 ESV, 7 Luke 9:23 ESV, 8 Philippians 1:6 ESV, 9 2 Corinthians 13:11-14 NLT.