One Girl’s True Story
This testimony is from Faith, a member of Street Level Ministries in River Falls, Wisconsin.
Growing up, I was not raised in a church. My parents tried their best, but because they were not fixated on Christ, they pursued things of this world. They instilled in my head and heart that things such as status, pride, success, and money were top priorities. As a young girl, I fell for this and lived my life in constant pursuit of stuff. I was always consumed by who had the best clothes at school. I worried about what others thought of me to an unhealthy level. I was in constant pursuit of people to befriend without looking at their heart or character because I just cared about being liked by a large number. I also longed to be the best soccer player on my team, in my family, and in my school, which overtook my identity. Every year, though, I went to a church camp called Koronis Bible Camp, and that is where I got all of my basic information about the Bible, Jesus, heaven, hell, etc. I remember hearing about salvation at a very young age, and I am sure I prayed the prayer of salvation many times, but it never actually meant anything.
My life changed at 14. It was a big mess. I lost a bunch of my friend group, I was losing too much weight because I wasn’t eating, and I wasn’t eating because I was overwhelmed, and I was filled with depression and anxiety because I wasn’t playing well on the field due to torn ligaments in my right knee. I was drowning in self-hatred and dissatisfaction. It came to a point where I knew that my life was missing something. I kept thinking, “Is this really all that there is? Is this really how life is going to go?” I remember praying, “God, if You are who You say You are, then why are You doing this to me? Why do I feel so worthless and broken?” After confessing those words out loud, I felt like a weight was placed on my heart. Something was telling me to give my life up, allow Jesus to work in it, and to align my life with His. That night I prayed the prayer of salvation sincerely and, from then on, my life has changed. When that summer came around, I got baptized at the place that the Lord had spoken to me most, where I first heard the Word of God: Koronis Bible Camp in Lake Koronis.
Fast forward a few years and I am now a student at UW-River Falls in River Falls, Wisconsin. I attend Eaglebrook Church where I serve in the children’s ministry directing and helping kids learn about who Jesus is to encourage them to make the decision to follow Christ. He also uses me through Street Level Ministries. I get to reach out to the town of River Falls, speak the good news of Jesus, and serve in the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse dispensing some pretty rocking cold brew.
Before knowing Christ, I faced every heartbreak… lonely, powerless, and weak. Now, in all my circumstances, good or bad, I am empowered, close to God, and so strong.
I still face immense struggles and go through times of hardship, but it is in such a different way. Before knowing Christ, I faced every heartbreak, medical news, or relationship struggle feeling lonely, powerless, and weak. Now, in all my circumstances, good or bad, I am empowered, close to God, and so strong. I just recently went through, and am kind of still going through, one of the hardest seasons of my life. I remember at the beginning I thought, “There is no way I will be able to do this on my own. God, please grab a hold of my anxieties, protect my heart, and bring me closer to you.” And I can say now that I have never been closer with God, stronger in my faith, or more confident in what I am doing today. God strengthens my mind to fight against lies of the Enemy. Jesus secured my salvation. I now can have joy in all circumstances. I am not alone. Christ is alive in me.