SLR News Update


We live in an age where we can pick whatever we want to listen to, whenever we want to listen to it (well, as long as we have a charged device and a strong connection for streaming). The ability to have control over what you listen to depending on your mood is fine, but whatever happened to spontaneity? Where did the thrill go of discovering a previously unknown artist or song? With the popularity of customizable streaming services like Spotify or YouTube, the beauty of listening to a radio station has diminished.

At Street Level Radio, we want to reintroduce you to the pleasure of listening to a radio station. There’s something magical about hearing music that is hand-selected by a DJ instead of a computerized selection based on your listening history. Radio brings the humanness back into listening to music. When I was a kid, my dad would turn on his radio just to listen to one of his favorite DJs. We listened to him so much, it was almost like he was a part of our life as a family! Will you let our DJs be a part of your life, too?

We’re not professionals…we’re just people who love Jesus and want to serve Him in practical and creative ways.

All of our DJs are volunteers and members of Street Level Ministries, a Christian campus organization in Cebu City (with other chapters in the USA). We’re not professionals—we’re just people who love Jesus and want to serve him in practical and creative ways. We broadcast a mixture of Christian and OPM music, local and global news, biblical teachings, and live events. We’re an online radio station, so you can’t find us on the FM airwaves, but you can listen at If you have an Android phone, you can download the SLR app to take with you wherever you go… let the good tunes play!


  • Burning Dog Radio Station Take Over | 2-4 p.m. & 11 p.m.-2 a.m.
  • OPM Hour | 12 noon-1 p.m.
  • Daily Devotions | 7 a.m. & 9 p.m.
  • Biblical Teaching | The Life & Times of Jesus Christ | 9 p.m.
  • Biblical Teaching – Pastor Tim Dodson, Believers City Church USA (rebroadcast) | 10 a.m.
  • Biblical Teaching – Pastor Tim Dodson, Believers City Church USA (live) | 12:30 a.m.