Get Out of Your Head
By: Jennie Allen
What will happen in the future? Are they
gossiping about me? What if someone I
love gets sick? I’m not enough. Everyone
hates me. I can’t do anything right. I’m
not appreciated.
Sound familiar?
Get Out of Your Head is written by
Jennie Allen, the founder of the IF:
Gathering, an author, and New York
Times bestseller. In it she shares how to
stop your thoughts from spiraling out of
control and gives some practical tools to
take them captive to God. Allen explains
how every lie which comes into our
heads can be stopped with truth found
only in scripture, remembering God’s
promises, and choosing to believe them.
She gently reminds us that we have the
ability to change the way we think
through the power of the Holy Spirit. In
her book, Allen explains the power of
finding the deeper issues in our thinking and how to shift our minds to whatever
is true, noble, right, pure, lovely,
admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
Allen answers questions concerning
how we view God and in turn how we
view ourselves, how we can choose to
stop the spiral, how science can tell us
about the way we think, and how God
gave us the best tool of all.
Allen writes, “Taking every thought
captive is not about what happens to
us. It’s about choosing to believe that
God is with us, is for us, and loves us
even when all hell comes against us.”
Allen experienced a mind-altering truth
which pushed her to dig deeper into
the way she thought. Too many times
she had succumbed to the lies in her
head, choosing to believe them over
the Spirit and Word of God: “The
danger of toxic thinking is it produces
an alternate reality, one in which
distorted reasoning actually seems to
make sense.” By His grace, Allen was
able to give up her wrong beliefs and
thoughts and change the way she