From the Philippines to the Ends of the Earth
Read this article in WOTS Issue 82
Word on the Street (WOTS): First of all, can you introduce yourself and where you’re from?
Virmz: My name is Virmz and I grew up on the island of Negros, Philippines, but lived on Cebu Island for few years before I left the Philippines. I currently live in Cape Town, South Africa.
WOTS: Explain how Jesus saved you. How did meeting Jesus change the trajectory of your life?
Virmz: I grew up going to church, and I always believed in God, but I didn’t really have a relationship with Jesus. It was when I moved to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2001 to work at a Christian youth hostel for a year that I realized I was doing things for God. I saw the emptiness in others as they tried to fill their lives with what Amsterdam had to offer, which made me really examine the purpose and meaning of life. The people I worked with were so genuine and passionate about Jesus, and it really stirred a hunger in me. I wanted what they had. I went to an Alpha for Students Conference in London (UK) in 2002 and that is when I can really say things became very personal to me. It was then that I did not only understand the love of God, but also experienced it and surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus.
WOTS: Explain your role and involvement with Youth with a Mission (YWAM).
Virmz: Today I am part of the leadership with YWAM Muizenberg in Cape Town, South Africa. I have many different hats that I wear. I coordinate a ministry called Nations2Nations, but I also run a Backpackers Discipleship Training School between Asia and Africa.
WOTS: How did you get your start with traveling? Where was the first place you went and why?
Virmz: I always had a passion for traveling. While I was in college, I studied Travel and Tourism and I knew it was for more than just traveling. God had given me a heart for young people and missions. I love people and cultures. The first country I visited was Indonesia when I was 20 years old (also 20 years ago this year). I was there as a steward at the Christian Conference of Asia. Later on, I realized that God placed that passion for travel in me. As I traveled, I saw His heart for the nations and understood His redemptive purposes for different people groups. When I found out about the Youth Hostel Ministry in Amsterdam, it was something that resonated with my heart and I applied to work there for a year.
WOTS: What are your favorite and least favorite parts about traveling?
Virmz: I love meeting people and cultures. My least favorite part is packing different types of clothing for different climates when you travel to multiple continents 😉 Other than that, you have to be flexible and open. Then you will enjoy every bit of it as you learn and grow through your experience.
WOTS: How many countries have you been to? Which one was your favorite?
Virmz: I have been to over 80 countries. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’d say The Netherlands. God taught me so much and grew me a lot by taking me there. It was formative in my early years in missions and made the rest of my travels afterwards easier. I do love South Africa too, as it’s the place that God has called me. I’ve lived the longest there outside the Philippines. Recently, I traveled to Japan. I’m really fascinated with this nation. God has given me a heart to see many Japanese encounter Him!
WOTS: Being a missionary means that you’re often away from friends and family, which can be pretty challenging (especially during holidays or family events). How have you coped with that, especially coming from such a family-minded culture in the Philippines?
Virmz: The first few years were really difficult, especially Christmas, as Filipinos celebrate it very differently than other nations. As the years went by, I learned to see more of what I gain than what I have to give up. God has given me many families around the world, and I am so blessed with amazing friends. I love the quote from Jim Elliot, “Wherever you are, be all there.” Having that attitude helps a lot! It’s also important to understand that as we journey through life, we will always miss something, or there’s some longing for something. Knowing that God is more than enough, that He fulfills those needs, enables you to develop joy and contentment in the journey.
WOTS: What goals do you have for your future?
Virmz: I want to see more connections between Africa and Asia. I believe South Africans are called to go to the nations and hold some of the keys to unlock some of the unreached people groups in Asia. I’m working on being more intentional and strategic in mobilizing South Africans into Asia. Also, as missions has changed a lot, I want to inspire Africans and Asians to fully engage with God’s heart for the nations.
WOTS: Are you connected to a local church? If so, how has the church helped you discover your calling to missions?
Virmz: When I lived in the Philippines, I went to Bradford UCCP and many members there were very supportive and helped me in my early years in missions. In South Africa, I go to Shofar Christian Church in Cape Town. My church loves missions, and I’ve had the opportunity to do a few trips with my pastor. My small group is amazing too, as they always pray for me and welcome me back when I return from my trips.
WOTS: What would you say to a college student who claims Christianity is boring or restrictive?
Virmz: Christianity is so far from boring and restrictive! If you don’t have that, then you probably aren’t living fully surrendered to Jesus. If we see Christianity as a religion then it is boring and restrictive, since religion is when we hope for a reward and fear punishment. When we are in a relationship with Jesus, it’s so dynamic and full of adventure. Jesus gives us life in abundance, but we have to live a life not only having Him as a Savior but also Lord of everything. It’s not always easy, but knowing He is with us and fills us with joy and hope makes this journey of faith so meaningful and purposeful regardless of
the circumstances.
WOTS: What practical advice can you give to a college student who would like to serve God in the mission field?
Virmz: Grow in intimacy with Jesus. In that place, we capture His heart and we respond to His call. We do not do it because we have to or we want to be accepted, but rather we respond in love and obedience to Him. Engage in prayer. God reveals His heart and imparts His love to us for nations, peoples, and situations through intercessory prayer. In the season of study, learn God’s heart for the nations and the biblical basis of missions. Go on exposure trips and short-term missions, visit missions’ organizations, meet missionaries, and hear their stories to learn from them. Ask God what your part is and what training you should get if He is calling you into missions. If He is calling you to stay where you are, then stay, because that arena of life is worthy of a calling too, if that is your obedience to Him. Look how to engage locally and get involved globally in every season of your life.