As a Matter of Fact
At times Christianity can be confusing. When you start to read the Bible there can be names of people and places you have never heard before. There will be words that have little to no meaning outside of the world of faith, and then, even more confusing are words that you know, but when they are carried over to Christianity, they might have an even greater depth of meaning than ever realized before. Knowing that it can at times be overwhelming, Word on the Street is going back to the basics to tackle common questions. These are questions that are not only integral for the new believer, but also for the seasoned Christian and anyone who is skeptical about the Christian faith. They are truths that you never move beyond.
The word church generates images of old brick buildings, full of beautiful stained glass, heavy wooden pews, crosses hung on the walls, and pulpits front and center. Church has become synonymous with the building where traditional religious services take place. To view church solely this way would be a severe mistake. The church being perceived as a mere building is greatly underselling what Jesus and Scripture intend the church to be. In the Bible, the word used for church is describing a unique group of people. The biblical definition of church is a called-out assembly.1 Whenever it is used in the Bible it refers to people. Simply put, the church is the people who are transformed and adopted by God. All Christians are the church.
To fully understand what the church is you must also understand its purposes. It is designed to train and equip believers to do what Jesus intended them to do. It is where Christians are to be built up and strengthened. The church is where believers become more unified in their knowledge and understanding of who God is and what His plans are. The church is used by God for Christians to mature and grow into the people that God intends them to be.2
It is in the church where Christians can obey commands such as bear one another’s burdens, love one another, honor one another, stir up one another to good works, admonish and correct each other, and speak truth to one another. The church exists for believers to engage in one another’s lives in a real way that is going to make a real difference in each other’s lives and for the purposes of Christ.
It is clear that the mission of God is largely dependent on the church. Commitment to the church is a necessity for anyone that seeks to be in God’s will and used by Him in their community and beyond. Allowing a church to fulfill its role in your life requires active engagement and participation. It won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it.
The church of God is a big deal. It is so important that God commands us to not forsake it.3 It is the one institution that will never fall. In the words of Jesus, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18, ESV). God is behind the church. God loves the church because He loves people, not because He is greatly concerned with the majesty of a building. The church is imperfect people, in full realization of their need for a savior, gathering together for training, unity, and accomplishing the mission of Jesus. All of this is done for the glory of God.
1patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2014/08/28/what-is-the-bible-definition-of-church-what-is-the-biblical-view-of-church/, 2 Ephesians 4:11-14, 3 Hebrews 10:25.