The Misunderstood God

I remember those days of my youth,
I would get up early morning
even before the sun comes out to shine
and I will seek You in Your Word and prayer.
I was madly in love with You.

I saw You through rainbows,
colourful flowers,
blue sky, sea shells, summer breeze
and the drizzle of a sweet rain.
I saw You through sunsets,
falling stars, a star-filled sky,
and the quiet waves of the ocean.
I saw You everywhere.

I thought when I chose You
to be my Lord
and the Lover of my soul,
I don’t have to deal with
the pains of life.
I misunderstood You, God.

Through the rainbows,
there were storms.
The colourful flowers
were filled with thorns.
The sky was not always blue,
the shells were dead.
Summer was too hot
and the rain was not always sweet.
The sun set as if there will be
no more sunrise.
There were no more falling stars,
the night sky was filled with clouds,
and I could not see even a single star
out of the countless gazillions,
which You call by name.
Yes, You knew me, too.
You call me by name.

You knew my brokenness, my pain.
You knew I needed healing.
You carefully cleansed
all my wounds,
though it hurt.

You were gentle with me,
wept with me,
hugged me,
comforted me,
grieved with me.
You took all the pain away.
You healed me.

You healed me by Your wounds.
Finally, I understood, God.

When I experience pain
and feel hurt now,
I am much aware
of my brokenness
and of You, my God the
God who heals,
my Healer.

I now look and listen
to the waves of the ocean.
I realized they were never quiet,
they make a beautiful sound.

You, Lord,
always speaks
to those
who listen to You,
and always listen
to those
who speaks to You.

May I learn to be
more quiet,
for in silence
and solitude,
I experience You.
I can hear
Your gentle whisper,
You are here.

I am SILENT, Lord.
I am here to LISTEN.